Sunday, August 29, 2010

catfish eating your hands

A dangerous but fun way to catch catfish is with your hands. Go in the lake jump out your boat an simply feel for a hole stick your hand in the hole an feel for the mouth of the fish and stick your hand in its mouth an pull up.

catfish eat dog food huh?

catfish love dog food one of there favorite food. Just wet the dog food get it soggy an put it on your hook, or you can get a tire an put dog food in it an catch plenty catfish.

catfish bait?

catfish have plenty bait they will eat almost anything. I will name a few of the best baits. First off as we all know the worm, if we fish with a worm do not use a floater but use a weight an fish on the bottom. Also we have cheese catfish love cheese. And they also eat soap catfish are very attracted by smell.